Skin Care Blog

How to Make Your Own Moisturizing Spray

By Viviane Woodard / July 16, 2020

If it’s warm out and you’re feeling worn down, there’s no quicker fix than a moisturizing face spray. Not only does it feel instantly refreshing and revitalizing, it’s also like giving a little gift to your skin by providing some much-needed moisture. The same can be said for the dead of winter, when skin can get…

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What is the difference between moisturizer and lotion

What is the difference between moisturizer and lotion?

By Viviane Woodard / July 2, 2020

What’s the difference between moisturizer and lotion, you ask? What is the difference between beige and ivory? What’s the difference between a square and a rectangle? What’s the difference between asking rhetorical questions and avoiding the original question? Well, it turns out some of these questions have lengthier or more complex answers than one would…

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How to us eye gel

How to Use Eye Gel

By Viviane Woodard / June 18, 2020

The eyes are the window to the soul, so it has been said. But that area right around the eyes can be a wide open door that lets the light shine in and expose those early signs of aging. It’s often the first place that people begin to see a lack of elasticity and vibrancy.…

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When to apply sunscreen

When To Apply Sunscreen

By Viviane Woodard / May 29, 2020

Does your sensitive skin fear a cruel, cruel summer? Are you feelin hot hot hot? If you want to enjoy a summer breeze that makes you feel fine, and not worry about a full-body burn, then have that sunscreen handy! And don’t forget your other best buddies that help you deal with the summer sun:…

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How to make hair moisturizer

How to Make Hair Moisturizer 

By Viviane Woodard / May 21, 2020

When summer comes rolling around we often focus our fretting about the sun on our skin, and lather on that sunscreen to stay safe. However, we would all do well to remember hair care as well. While you may wear a hat to avoid excessive exposure, your hair still sees some sun and can get a little…

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Best Homemade Face Packs For Dry Skin This Summer

Best Homemade Face Packs For Dry Skin This Summer

By Viviane Woodard / April 16, 2020

Is your skin more prune than plum these days? Do you wish you could regain a bit of that youthful elasticity of your younger years? Are you wondering how to counteract dry skin when even the weather seems to be working against you? If dry Summer days are getting you down, don’t waste another minute…

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